Winter Staff Seminar 2023 - SFSDLF

The winter staff seminar conducted by DLF QEC Innovative Schools for its staff members, principals and teachers of partner schools, orbited around the subject, A Growth Mindset – Inclusion, Reflection and Joy.
Mrs. Sudhakar cited the dynamic role of a teacher in making a difference in the environment of growth adding that it is the teacher’s dedication and mission that forms the bedrock of a school, thus impacting the lives of its students forever. On that note Mrs. Sudhakar ushered all esteemed guests to light the auspicious lamp.
In her address, Dr. Ameeta Mullah Wattal, Chairperson DLF QEC Innovative Schools, stated that teachers as role models must be passionate and remain connected to their students, the emotionally vulnerable age group, instilling them with hope, help and a sense of being.
Mr. Devyanshu Ganatra, motivational speaker par excellence, inspired the audience with his own story of hurdles, fear, rejection, dreams, determination and victory. A glimpse of Indian culture and heritage came alive through the Urdu presentation, ‘Dastane Mahabharata’, the 13th century dying art of oral story-telling. Ms. Fouzia Dastango and Mr. Feroz Khan, celebrated artists in the field, incorporated verses in Hindi and Urdu to narrate the tale of Mahabharata, leaving the audience in awe and pride of the country’s cultural and artistic diversity.
The concluding session with Ms. Vasu Primlani, one of the three stand-up comedian, enlivened the air with happy rounds of laughter reflecting style, truth, joy and humour.

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