Principal's Message | SFSDLF School Vision

Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Education is knowledge and knowledge is empowerment…

At Summer Fields School, our motto ‘Service Before Self’ is a way of life. For us even the sky is not the limit and we believe in the concept of ‘learn, unlearn and relearn’. That way we become life-long learners. I am proud of the school’s rich traditions and values.

The purpose of education in the 21 st century is to create citizens who have the requisite skills to become successful in the ever-changing world scenario. The Covid 19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdown has changed the world permanently. The education sector has witnessed never-before changes and it is still innovating on a daily basis. Teachers have emerged as the greatest warriors and have actually become a friend, philosopher and guide for all under their care. The teaching- learning process carried on as usual and the school moved ahead with vigour and enthusiasm. The dedicated faculty at Summer Fields School devise newer ways to engage their students and have won the confidence of one and all. A new generation of students have emerged who are confident of themselves in all aspect of education, be it scholastic or co-scholastic.

I am extremely grateful to our parent community who are our constant support. Crisis situations always teach us valuable lessons. The dedicated faculty and the brilliant students have together scripted history by responding positively to the challenges that have been thrown up. As we put together all the resources of our minds and hearts, honed our intellect and power of innovation, it dawned upon us that together we can do more – for our children, our society, our community and our country. Besides earning rewards, recognitions and achievements, we also aim to build a happy student community that will promote harmony, co-operation and empathy, the building blocks of all human activities.

Thank you
Dr. Urmimala Sudhakar

Families love ED

Language and Literacy Development

Executive Function

Cognitive Development

Dr. Urmimala Sudhakar

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines. Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines. Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines.
Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

    Thank you for considering us for your child's future. We look forward to your visit to our campus soon.

    Thank you for considering us for your child's future. We look forward to your visit to our campus soon.

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