Teacher Training Programs | SFSDLF

Teacher Training Programs

Teachers’ Training & Workshop

The school invests heavily in continuous training of their teachers through workshops and seminars to help them innovate themselves regularly to be better facilitators in the teaching learning process.

The workshops facilitate the teachers to help create happy classrooms, conduct collaborative activities, initiate Active learning in students and to create an environment for multiple intelligences.

Following are the few workshops organized for teachers

  • Innovative methods & strategies to bring in inquisitiveness among the students through effective methodologies, organized by Macmillan Education.
  • A three day Workshop was conducted on experiential learning.
  • The  Storytelling workshop for the teachers included the Art of storytelling & few techniques to captivate the audience.
  • Teachers training was conducted on topics like Creation of  Collaborative & Reflective classrooms, Puppetry as Pedagogy, Sustainable futures & Healthy Lifestyles.
  • Teachers training on Inclusive Education . Teachers were sensitized about being sensitive & compassionate towards special Needs children.
  • Teachers’ workshops on Jolly Phonics included Understanding phonics, Bloom’s Taxonomy, & integrated curriculum.
  • Highly motivating and informative workshop was organized for the teachers on Health and Wellness.
  • CBSE prospective Resource Person’s workshop was attended by teachers of the school on topics of “NEP 2020″ and ” Stress Management”.
  • DLF QEC Innovative schools have partnered with TISB Training Academy for engaging and meaningful classes for our Teachers year long.

Teachers Training Sessions

Workshop on 'Instructional Design' , led by Ms.Anita Makkar ,Principal HDFC School

A workshop on ‘Instructional Design’ , led by Ms.Anita Makkar ,Principal HDFC School, allowed teachers to reflect on their own pedagogies and design plans that cater to the needs of diverse learners.

Interactive & Enriching sessions on 'Time Management' and 'Emotional & Social Intelligences'

Interactive & Enriching sessions on ‘Time Management’ and ‘Emotional & Social Intelligences’ were organised for the teachers to enhance their personal competencies inorder to create an effective and conducive work environment.

Annual Staff Summer seminar was organised by DLF QEC Schools

Annual Staff Summer seminar was organised by DLF QEC Schools on the topic Imagine If… for educators to foster imagination, creativity, and perspective building.

A workshop on ‘Instructional Design’ , led by Ms.Anita Makkar ,Principal HDFC School, allowed teachers to reflect on their own pedagogies and design plans that cater to the needs of diverse learners.

    Thank you for considering us for your child's future. We look forward to your visit to our campus soon.

    Thank you for considering us for your child's future. We look forward to your visit to our campus soon.

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